So I wanted to play with lights and shadows with this piece. (sorry I literally could not figure out how to set post it straight and I tried all I could think of, it didn's work out. Please if you have the same problem and you know how to solve it tell me, thank you).
This is a scanned pencil sketch of a picture that I still want to work out. The whole thing is supposed to be a kind of fantasy landscape. The castle depicted does not have to be historically correct either. I will try to work it out in Procreate. It's a great programme, but unfortunately I'm not yet as proficient as I'd like to be ... As soon as there's any progress, I'll post it here!
I forgot to post it here. I got better at drawing her. I tried a more '80s anime style recently but will keep at this style since that's how I draw. I love her even though she's not intended to be a main character
I told myself, weeks ago that i would be post two or three times a week but here I am posting after a month of nothing. I have been painting alot more, but i finally completed something and am ready to post it. I decided flowers because i like flowers. I did a life vs. death kind of thing. I was hesitant about painting these because i was thinking to myself do i like flowers because i like them or because im a women and society norms tell me to? I know it sounds stupid but its these kind of thoughts that stop me from doing things i enjoy or want to do in life.
I was doing this while listening to M83, specifically “My Tears Are Becoming A Sea”. I wanted to do art inspired by that song. This is a very quick random drawing that’s actually really bad but I just was doodling for like 10 minutes and decided to post it.
I also make electric field art and post it to Redbubble, Society6, Zazzle, and Threadless as product designs. Try this link if you're interested in this pattern on a dress, skirt, shirt, towel, blanket, or something else: